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Lock down
At the beginning of the pandemic we were really anxious about the survival of our organisation. We rely on trading income from our food share scheme, cafe and contracts to be sustainable. Lockdown saw all our trading income wiped out. We faced closure and it was a very worrying time.
Consultation with Wigan Borough Council and other local orgnisation saved the day. We furloughed our staff and stood down our volunteers many of whom are vulnerable. Wigan council redeployed some council staff to support us while we worked together to ensure our community had access to food.
Many older people are unfamiliar with on line ordering, many people couldn't get delivery slots, some people saw their income wiped out or much reduced over night and struggled to make ends meet.
We developed a range of healthy ready meals using viable but unused catering stock. These were kindly delivered by AGE UK Wigan Borough.
Our emergency food hampers were delivered by The Old Courts volunteers. We shared our food with other organisations across the borough supporting their own community. By working together we are able to acheive so much more.